How to Remove Tea Stains

Tea stains are not usually permanent and can be dissolved using simple items

Project Overview
  • Working Time: 10 mins - 12 hrs
  • Total Time: 10 mins - 2 hrs
  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • Estimated Cost: $0 to $10

If you're a tea drinker, you'll inevitably have to contend with tea-stained clothing, carpet, upholstery, and china. A tea stain may be light in color, but the discoloration may be difficult to remove. The high tannin content in tea makes its stains even harder to remove than coffee stains. However, there are several effective methods of removing the stain, several of which you can make using everyday pantry items. The best way to ensure tea stain removal is to address it while it's wet because the longer it sits, the more challenging the removal process will be. Never put a freshly stained garment into the dryer, as the heat can permanently set the stain.

How to Remove Tea Stains

The Spruce / Bailey Mariner

Read on to learn the best methods to remove tea stains from clothing and various household items.

Stain type Tannin-based
Detergent type Regular liquid detergent
Water temperature Cold
Cycle type Varies depending on fabric

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Soft cleaning brush
  • Soaking bowl
  • Washing machine


  • Laundry detergent
  • Baking soda
  • Oxidizing stain remover
  • Stain remover stick or gel


Materials and tools to remove tea stains

The Spruce / Letícia Almeida 

How to Remove Tea Stains From Clothes

There are a variety of techniques used for removing tea stains on your clothing. If one method isn't effective, feel free to try another. Fortunately, many of the materials for tea stain removal on clothing are common household supplies, so you can experiment without wasting money on store-bought cleaning products.

  1. Rinse With Cold Water

    • Turn the clothing article inside out.
    • Rinse the stain with cold water.
    Rinsing a tea stain under cold water

    The Spruce

  2. Apply Laundry Detergent

    • Rub a laundry detergent onto the stain and allow it to sit for at least five minutes.
    • If the stain is old or dried, apply the detergent, soak the clothing article in cold water for 30 minutes, and then rinse.
    • If the tea stain remains, rub additional detergent into the tea stain with a brush or your fingers and soak in warm water for another 10 to 15 minutes.
    Rubbing detergent into a tea stain

    The Spruce

  3. Apply Baking Soda

    • Apply baking soda directly onto the stain if it is still wet. The baking soda will absorb the tea, pulling the brown color out of the fabric and into the powder.
    • Let the mixture sit for 12 hours, and then scrape it off.
    • Once the stain has lightened, you can wash the garment in your washing machine and hang it to dry.
    • If the fabric's care instructions only permit hand-washing, you may do that instead.
    Applying baking soda to the tea stain

    The Spruce

  4. Soak Fabric in Stain Remover

    • Soak the garment in a mixture of cold water and oxidizing stain remover (such as OxiClean) per the product's instructions.
    • If ineffective, apply a stain remover stick, gel, or spray and let sit for five minutes before machine or hand washing.
    Soaking the tea stained garment in a solution

    The Spruce

  5. Repeat If Necessary

    Repeat removal methods or try a different approach if the stain resists removal.

    Checking that the tea stain is removed

    The Spruce

How to Remove Tea Stains From Carpet and Upholstery

Apply several at-home cleaning methods when your carpet or upholstered furniture becomes stained with tea. Typically, there's no need to purchase a special upholstery or carpet cleaner. Try this simple method using dishwashing liquid, vinegar, and water:

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, and 2 cups of cold water to make an all-purpose upholstery cleaner.
  • Use a clean cloth to dab the cleaning solution onto the stain until it is saturated. Continue blotting the area until the excess liquid is absorbed completely.
  • Dab the area with a new cloth and cold water to absorb the solution once the stain has been removed.
  • Blot dry with a dry cloth or towel and repeat the previous steps as necessary.
  • If these steps don't work, it may be worth trying a store-bought cleaner. 

How to Remove Tea Stains From Mugs and China

Unaddressed tea stains can accumulate, making your mugs look dull and dirty. Prioritize using chemical-free cleaning products such as white vinegar, baking soda, salt, and toothpaste to avoid ingesting chemical residue. Take the specific steps with any of these three items:

  • Baking soda: Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with enough water to form a paste. Rub the paste onto the stains and let it sit for five to 10 minutes. Use your hand, a cloth, or a toothbrush to apply the paste inside the mug. Finish by rinsing and drying the mug with a dish towel.
  • Salt and vinegar: Wipe the inside of the mug with a damp cloth. Combine 2 tablespoons vinegar and 2 tablespoons of salt and mix well. Soak the corner of a dish towel with the mixture and apply it to the stain. Pour the mixture into the mug and let it sit for 10 minutes. Rinse and dry the mug. 
  • Toothpaste: Place a dab of toothpaste onto a toothbrush and scrub the stain. Let it sit for 10 minutes, then rinse and dry.


If these three methods do not work try two alternatives:

  • Use a melamine eraser to take tea and coffee stains off mugs. Rinse the item thoroughly after using a melamine eraser.
  • Cut one or two denture tablets into quarters and drop one piece into a stained teapot or cup. Allow the tablets to dissolve and sit for one hour before rinsing.

Additional Tips For Handling Tea Stains

For tea-stained fabric, read the item's cleaning instructions on its care label to help you determine your best option. If the garment is labeled dry clean only, take it to your dry cleaner as soon as possible. Point out and identify the stain to help your professional cleaner choose the proper treatment. The same applies to a stain that damages silk or vintage upholstery; you need to contact a professional cleaner, or else you are likely to do more damage if you try to remove the stain yourself.

If you have a very valuable or collectible teapot or cup, consult an expert before cleaning, as some solutions may corrode the china. The surest way to prevent tea stains in mugs is to wash your drinkware immediately after finishing your tea. The longer the tea sits in the mug, the more challenging the stain will be to remove.

  • What gets tea stains out of white clothes?

    Apply a thick layer of baking soda over the dampened tea stain. Leave the paste on overnight and see if the stain is gone the next day. Repeat if necessary before washing the garment.

  • Can tea stains be removed?

    Tea stains can be removed and they are typically not permanent. However, work on the stain when it is fresh for easier removal.

  • Do you wash tea stains in hot or cold water?

    Use cold water to rinse the stain away. Once the stain is gone you can wash your garment in hot water if the care label allows it.