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How to Refurbish Particleboard Furniture With Paint

Project Overview
  • Working Time: 4 hrs
  • Total Time: 2 days
  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • Estimated Cost: $20 to $30
  • Yield: One small bookshelf or end table

Particleboard furniture is a wallet-friendly option when you need to decorate your home on a tight budget, but this type of furniture does not always withstand the test of time. Particleboard panels are made from wood by-products, primarily sawdust, mixed with plastic resin glues and pressed into large sheets. But just because this material is not high-end doesn't mean you can't enhance it with paint. Various color and design options are a few of the benefits of refurbishing with paint (Oil-based paint and lacquers tend to adhere to particleboard best.) Keep reading to learn how to paint particleboard furniture and tips on how to elevate this material into an expensive-looking piece for your home.

Refurbished particleboard furniture with gray paint and decor items displayed in square shelves

The Spruce

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Putty knife
  • Fine-grit sanding block or sandpaper
  • Veneer roller or wood block (where needed)
  • Paintbrush
  • Paint roller
  • Paint tray


  • Wood filler or putty
  • Contact cement (if needed)
  • Lint-free cloth
  • Primer
  • Paint
  • Roller cover


Materials and tools need to refurbish particleboard furniture on dark wooden surface

The Spruce

  1. Repair Damage

    Over time, or with especially hard use, the plastic veneers of particleboard can get scratched, chipped, or scuffed with permanent stains. Moisture can also damage the core particleboard, causing swelling.

    • Repair Chips and Scratches: Fill the damaged area with wood filler or wood putty, using a putty knife. Then, smooth the patch area so it is even with the surrounding surface and let the putty or filler dry overnight. Once dry, gently sand over the repaired area with fine-grit sandpaper until the surface is completely smooth.
    • Repair Damaged Veneer: Carefully lift the loose veneer and use a putty knife to scrape away as much loose, dried glue as possible. Then, apply a thin layer of contact cement to both the particle board surface and the bottom surface of the veneer. Use a small stick or a pencil to keep the surfaces apart for 15 minutes or so. Press the plastic veneer down onto the particleboard core, using a roller or block of wood to bond the veneer.
    • Repair Water Damage: Remove the damaged areas using a sharp razor, then fill the space with wood filler (see above) and sand smooth. If the damage is extensive, remove the damaged areas and replace them with a new piece of particleboard.
    Particleboard furniture scratch filled with putty for refurbishing

    The Spruce

  2. Sand the Surfaces

    Sand the entire item with fine-grit sandpaper or a sanding block to remove any old finish, lacquer, or gloss. The goal is not to sand off the plastic veneer, but simply to scuff the surface that will help the paint coat adhere. Be careful not to sand too harshly on the edges or you risk chipping away the top layer of the laminate.

    Particleboard furniture sanded down by hand with blue gloves for refurbishing

    The Spruce

  3. Prepare the Primer

    Picking the right primer will save you time by eliminating the need for many coats of paint. Use a gray primer if you plan on painting dark-colored particleboard and opt for a white primer if you plan on painting light-colored particleboard. For oil-based paints, use an oil or latex bonding primer. For water-based paints, use a water-based primer.

    Primer in bucket being stirred by hand with blue gloves

    The Spruce

  4. Apply Primer

    After sanding the item, apply the primer to the surfaces. Though you can use a roller, using a paintbrush to apply a thin coat will help ensure the primer gets into every crevice. Allow the primer to dry completely (usually 24 hours) before applying any paint.

    Applying primer to particle board furniture

    The Spruce

  5. Lightly Sand the Surfaces

    Before applying paint, lightly sand the primer layer. This will ensure that the top coat goes on smoothly and sticks well. After sanding, remove any dust with a lint-free rag.

    Sanding the primer layer

    The Spruce

  6. Apply Paint

    Use a fine finish roller to paint particleboard furniture to ensure the final finish is smooth and doesn't show obvious brush strokes. (However, if you like the texture created by brush strokes, use a paintbrush.)

    Depending on the paint, one coat may cover the surfaces adequately. But the best result is often achieved if you apply two or even three coats of paint in thin, uniform layers. If you need a subsequent coat, let the first coat dry completely before applying the next one. A very light sanding between coats will help with adhesion.


    When choosing paint for furniture, a gloss or high-gloss finish is usually best. Gloss paints resist marking and are easier to scrub clean, which is especially important with furniture.

    Painting tray with white paint and roller brush and flat brush on parrticleboard furniture

    The Spruce

  • What is the best type of paint to use on particleboard furniture?

    Oil-based paint is the best type of paint to use on particleboard because it is more durable than water-based paint and sticks to the surface better.

  • Can I paint particleboard furniture without sanding?

    Avoid painting particleboard without sanding it first. Sanding removes the old finish and any surface scratches, which will help the new coat of paint adhere better. Sanding also helps to smooth the surface for a more polished look.

  • Does particleboard need to be sealed before painting?

    A quality primer will help seal the particleboard before painting it. If the particleboard is not sealed, paint can be easily absorbed into the material and will not show on the surface.